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 On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 255
Age : 59
Localisation : Pontaut Combault
Date d'inscription : 23/01/2010

On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Empty
MessageSujet: On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-   On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Icon_minitimeMar 15 Mar - 0:21

On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-west Europe & the Eastern Front 1944-45
Les derniers mois de guerre. Reçu ce jour.
On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- 51g44m10
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Nombre de messages : 27846
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2008

On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Empty
MessageSujet: Re: On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-   On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Icon_minitimeMer 16 Mar - 12:37

Un bon ouvrage semble t-il.
Faut juste se remettre à l'anglais ... Wink
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Von Manstein
Von Manstein

Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 27
Localisation : Centre de la France
Date d'inscription : 19/08/2009

On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Empty
MessageSujet: Re: On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-   On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Icon_minitimeMer 16 Mar - 13:54

Il a l'air interressant mais mon niveau d'anglais est...
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On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Empty
MessageSujet: Re: On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-   On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North- Icon_minitime

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On the Bloody Road to Berlin: Frontline Accounts from North-
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